


Feeling uncertain about your financial future is a common concern in today's market. 然而, there are a few products you can take advantage of to keep your money secure and growing steadily in the meantime. 储蓄 accounts and 证书 are reliable options, but you may not know which is best for you. That’s why 元素 is here to help you weigh your options, 计算数字, and provide you with advice to make a calculated game plan for your future savings. 


To navigate this financial landscape and make the most of your money, you have two main deposit options: 证书 and 储蓄账户. Let's take a closer look at both to help you make an informed decision on which money move is best for you:

  • The dividend rate remains fixed throughout the account's term.
  • You can accurately predict your earnings over time due to the fixed rate.
  • Longer-term 证书 often offer higher interest rates compared to savings accounts.
  • 你可以选择6个月到5年的期限.
  • There are no fees if you hold your account until maturity, 但提前退出可能会受到处罚.
  • You do not have access to your funds via checks, ATM transactions, or electronic transfers.
  • If it’s variable or a timed offer, the dividend rate can fluctuate while you hold the account.
  • 通常, 股息率比证书低, 但你的资金仍然很容易获得和流动.
  • You can access your funds through ATMs and conduct electronic transfers.

If you do not already have a savings account earning a rate of at least 4.25%的年1,考虑 高收益储蓄帐户 与元素. 

如果你已经有一个有竞争力的储蓄账户, but you won't need to access your funds for at least 6 months, a 证书 也许是你最好的选择.


元素 currently offers limited-time specials with rates as high as 5.50%的年2与低于1的比率相比,有显著改善.过去几年观察到的年利率为00%. To get a sense of how much you can earn by depositing money into a 证书, consider the following examples using our limited-time special 证书 rates:

  • $20,000 at 5.50%年利率:8个月后726美元
  • $10,000 at 5.50%年利率:8个月后363美元
  • $5,000 at 5.50%年利率:8个月后181美元

使用我们的证书计算器底部 这个页面 计算你自己的潜在收入.


证书 are particularly beneficial if you have plans for large future expenses. Whether your game plan is to purchase a home next year and want to increase your down payment,  or you plan to send your kids to college in the next decade, using a 证书 can help grow your savings predictably and efficiently. The locked dividend rate of a 证书 means that even if rates in the market drop, your account will continue to earn dividend at the higher Annual Percentage Yield (APY) offered when it was initially opened for that term. This is especially attractive for those anticipating a rate drop while still wanting to secure today's high rates for the long term.

Keep in mind that 证书 come with a penalty for early withdrawal. 虽然乍一看这似乎是个缺点, it can work in your favor by discouraging impulsive spending.

Knowing that there is a penalty for early withdrawal is an incentive to leave your money untouched, allowing it to grow at the higher rate for the entire term.

In summary, the potential returns on a 证书 are currently at their highest in years. It's a strategic move to make the most of your savings in today's economic environment.

今天在 元素.org/证书

Lock in Predictable Earnings in a Not-So-Predictable Market with a 证书 from 元素

The potential returns on 证书 are currently at their highest in years, allowing you to make the most of your savings in today's economic environment. 固定利率意味着你可以指望储蓄增长.

Earn a higher rate than most regular savings accounts for terms from 6 months to 5 years.




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  1. 1 高收益储蓄 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of September 1, 2024. 高收益储蓄 is a tiered savings account paying a variable dividend rate, 这种情况随时都可能改变, on the entire balance in your account based on the rate for the tier corresponding to each day’s daily balance. The account is available for new money only which are funds not on deposit at 元素 for 90 days prior to opening the 高收益储蓄 account. Existing 元素 members with savings accounts must deposit $25,000.00 or more of new money within 10 days of opening the 高收益储蓄 account. Existing 元素 members with savings accounts with combined daily balances of $2,500.00 or less for the 90 days prior to account opening are excluded from the new money requirement. 每个层的附加信息:APY为0.10%适用于余额为0美元起的账户.00 to $99.99; from $100.00 to $2,499.99; and from $2,500.00 to $9,999.99. APY值为4.25%适用于余额在1万美元以下的账户.00 to $24,999.99; from $25,000.00 to $49,999.99; from $50,000.00 to $99,999.99; from $100,000.00 to $249,999.99; and $250,000.00及以上. 至少有一名帐户持有人必须年满18岁. 其他资格也可能适用. 报盘可随时终止. 费用可能会减少收入.
  2. 2 证书 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of September 1, 2024, 并且可能在不通知的情况下改变. 费用可能会减少收入. 提前提款的罚款. *限时证书 -限时优惠可随时撤回. 除非救赎, 在成熟, the 8-month certificate will automatically reinvest into a 6-month certificate at the then current APY; the 13-month certificate will automatically reinvest into a 12-month certificate at the then current APY; the 18-month certificate will automatically reinvest into an 18-month certificate at the then current APY.